
Getting to know Naya in order to develop a privileged long-term relationship. Jointly creating a strategy with the client to reposition the brand. Implementing two initial initiatives, a website and a new packaging design.

The initial strategy aimed to reposition the brand. To do this, Kryzalid partnered with the Rethink agency. We carefully studied Naya’s history and marketing strategy. A visit to the Mirabel plant immersed us in its universe. Focus groups confirmed that it was necessary to focus on Naya’s purely Quebec identity. Subsequently, the company simplified its logo and revised the packaging of its bottles.

Our team revitalized the packaging of Naya Mini, a product associated with Opération Enfant Soleil. The goal was to achieve a greater impact in store. We supported the client throughout their creative process. We adapted the concepts throughout their visual evolution.

Site web
The new website proudly displays the motto Québécoise de source, a new pillar of Naya’s identity. This improved site clearly illustrates the company’s history and allows you to discover Naya. Full of images and emotions, it highlights the exceptional quality of its products.

The human values associated with Naya are in line with those of Quebecers. We therefore visually transposed the purity of the brand, as well as its proximity to its customers. We created an easy-to-use website and redesigned product packaging. The launch of the website is part of a set of initiatives aimed at boosting the company’s brand image.