Collège  international  Marie  de  France 



  • Collège international Marie de France (CIMF)


  • Education
  • Private


  • Content integration
  • UX/UI design
  • Website design


  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • GSAP
  • Swiper

The Collège international Marie de France (CIMF) is accredited by the Ministries of Education of France and Quebec. It offers an exceptional education that combines academic excellence, creativity, and global openness. The CIMF accompanies its students towards success at the baccalaureate level by emphasizing well-being, inclusion and human connections.

Home page of the Collège international Marie de France (CIMF) website.
The Programs and Team pages of the CIMF website.


Redesign the website of the Collège international Marie de France to enhance the content structure, optimize the user experience, and showcase the College’s new visual identity.

The educational pathways on the Collège international Marie de France website.

User experience

Our team began the UX phase (user experience) by reorganizing the site’s structure and content architecture. Our expertise in designing websites for the education sector proved invaluable to the client. We then created a series of templates tailored to the various types of content on the new platform, including the homepage, news, events, programs, and a versatile template.

Menus for the new CIMF website.
College news.

Visual identity

CIMF had engaged a firm to redefine its brand identity, and the client shared the results with us during the UX phase. Our team adapted this visual identity into the site mockups during the UI phase. We integrated and enhanced the new branding by adding personas linked to the geometric symbols representing the different school levels. This addition fully met the client’s needs.

CIMF school programs.


The new website of the Collège international Marie de France highlights its academic programs and educational pathways. It emphasizes the dual recognition of its courses and diplomas in Quebec and France by the AEFE. It offers students the opportunity to continue their education within both systems. The new platform is fully responsive, adheres to web accessibility standards, and complies with Law 25.