Qualifications Québec

Integrate the corporate website of Qualifications Québec with its Skills Recognition Portal. The mandate was to centralize the organization’s services and information.

In 2020, Qualifications Québec partnered with Kryzalid to develop its corporate website. This was complementary to the Skills Recognition Portal. Faced with the organization’s evolving needs, Q2 once again called on Kryzalid. The new mandate was to merge the two portals into a single interface.

UX/UI design
In-depth work on the site’s ergonomics has enabled content to be clearly structured. The new structure guides users efficiently in their search for information. The site highlights the organization’s mission, commitments and services. It also clarifies the overall skills recognition process. A clean, well-organized design enhances the visual identity and the information.

Occupational sheets
Occupational fact sheets provide valuable resources for recognizing the skills needed to practice various trades in Quebec. They feature characteristics, procedures, resources, support programs, related professions and useful links. Imported from the former platform by our team, the fact sheets have been enhanced by the client’s team.

The redesign consolidates Qualifications Québec communications and resources on a single platform. It simplifies the organization of information and the updating of content, making information searches more accessible.