Centre  de  services  scolaire  de  Laval 



  • Centre de services scolaire de Laval


  • Education
  • Public


  • UX/UI design
  • Visual identity
  • Website design


  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • jQuery

The Centre de services scolaire de Laval supports the establishments in its territory. It offers resources and conditions favorable to educational success. It aims to achieve a higher level of education, socialization and qualification of the population.

Home page of the Centre de services scolaire de Laval.


Design a new website for the Centre de services scolaire de Laval. Provide an attractive visual presentation and better consistency in the distribution of information.

Mega menu of the CSS Laval website.

Visual identity

One of the important objectives was to foster an emotional attachment and a sense of belonging with the target clientele. We made judicious choices in terms of coloring, typography and graphic codes. The photos and videos highlight the human approach of the organization. The visual identity is distinctive and dynamic, while being sustainable.

Pages from the Centre de services scolaire de Laval website.

User experience

Intuitive navigation allows you to quickly find the information you are looking for. The pages offer clear and better referenced content. Features are integrated to improve the user experience. There is the rapid display of emergency messages, the creation of forms that can include a payment platform, a personalized career section and a powerful search engine.

School presentation on the CSS Laval website.


We designed a website for the Centre de services scolaire de Laval that meets the needs of users rather than administrative needs. Robust and flexible, WordPress makes updates easy. The site is responsive, meets web accessibility standards and complies with Law 25.

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