Via Prévention

Develop a digital strategy for Via Prévention including quantitative and qualitative audits, target group surveys and a competitor benchmark, in order to guide our recommendations for the redesign of its website.

Digital strategy
The digital strategy began with an in-depth positioning analysis. This included a quantitative audit using tools such as Google Analytics, WooRank and PageSpeed Insights. The qualitative audit focused on the site’s navigation, design, structure, content and functionality. We also assessed the site’s competitive positioning and unique selling propositions. A survey of target groups gathered their perceptions and needs.

Next, we formulated specific recommendations for the website redesign, taking into account the notable characteristics observed in competitors. Among these, we grouped all the tools into a single list, organized with filters by themes and formats such as articles, podcasts, documents, trainings, quizzes and videos, to centralize the information and facilitate user searches.

The WordPress platform allows for complete user management, including their roles and rights. The site also integrates a search tool and online forms via GravityForm. Finally, the site complies with best practices in web development. It meets security and confidentiality standards.

The new Via Prévention site offers flexible management of the tree structure and menus. It allows for smooth navigation and unlimited creation of content categories. The new pages have been designed with a varied selection of templates, allowing for customization of presentations. The publication flow is managed by the PublishPress module. Content editing is facilitated by the WordPress Gutenberg editor.