3 additional social media platforms to boost your online visibility
However, engagement on Facebook has significantly dropped in recent months due to the latest algorithm changes. Meanwhile, Instagram seems increasingly unstable. Thankfully, the internet is full of opportunities to amplify your voice. Here are 3 additional social media platforms to boost your online visibility, helping you share content and engage with your target audience.
150 million unique monthly users in 2019
Medium is a social network designed for sharing stories. Users publish articles, known as “Stories,” to share their knowledge and experiences on their profile. With over 600 million registered users, Medium provides excellent visibility and the chance to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Are you a home decor store? Share DIY tutorials. A marketing agency? Write modern insights and answer client or expert questions. Whatever your field, everyone has a story to tell, and Medium meets this need for exchange.
Additionally, blog content can be republished on Medium without harming your SEO thanks to the platform’s import feature.

330 million unique monthly users in 2018
Reddit est un réseau social communautaire, où les utilisateurs se rassemblent et s’abonnent à des sujets de conversation appelés channels. Ainsi, on construit son feed avec nos propres centres d’intérêts. Dans ces channels il est possible de partager des liens vers des sites, des articles ou des contenus multimédias ou simplement du texte. Les utilisateurs, appelés Redditors, viennent upvote ou downvote le contenu selon leurs désirs et interagissent à travers les commentaires. L’environnement de Reddit peut paraître cinglant parfois, usant beaucoup de l’humour et des memes. Mais cela n’empêche aucunement d’acquérir une certaine audience pour une entreprise qui souhaite penser out of the box.
Selon votre domaine d’expertise, vous pouvez participer sur la plateforme, lancer des débats, répondre à des questions et échanger avec des cibles potentielles. Ici, vous avez la possibilité de partager votre savoir et votre contenu, tout en le confrontant directement avec votre communauté.

300 million unique monthly users in 2018
Quora, similar to Reddit, is more focused on testimonials, debates, questions, and learning. Thousands of discussion topics are created, and users respond to each other. Participants can fill out their profiles by showcasing their profession, expertise, and even academic credentials. Unlike Reddit, which leans more toward humor or controversy (trolling), Quora is centered on discussion and problem-solving.
In other words, Quora answers the question: “Can you help me with…?” Whereas Reddit is more about: “Look what I found!”
This distinction makes Quora particularly valuable for businesses that want to maintain a formal tone and provide genuine professional insights.

In conclusion
Each of these platforms gives you the opportunity to engage directly with your target audience and discuss topics related to your field. You position yourself as an expert while creating multiple entry points to your website by inserting links into your conversations.
Continue your social media strategy on traditional platforms while expanding your reach and multiplying touchpoints with your audience. These three platforms connect with millions of readers every month, enabling you to optimize your online presence and maximize the value of your original content.
At Kryzalid, we are skilled with all types of social media. Our experienced, young, and dedicated team will recommend the best tools based on your context and objectives. Don’t hesitate to contact us!