Brand evaluation: a 3-step process

Brand evaluation: a 3-step process

In this article, we’ll look at a few ways to carry out a useful brand evaluation.

Brand awareness

First of all, it’s important to understand that brand awareness is the extent to which your company and its activities are recognised by the public. It is the first step towards building a relationship with your customers. A high level of brand awareness can translate into increased visibility, renewed confidence and greater competitiveness in the marketplace.

Feelings about your brand

The feelings associated with your brand are just as crucial as brand awareness. These feelings can be positive, negative or neutral. They often reflect your customers’ overall experience of your business. By understanding the overall sentiment associated with your brand, you can adjust your communications strategy to reinforce the positive and mitigate the negative.

How do you evaluate a brand?

It is essential to understand how your company, your products, your services and even your staff are perceived. Your company can then capitalise on its strengths and take steps to improve the aspects that could damage your reputation.

1. Internal evaluation of your brand

An effective approach to assessing a company’s issues is to survey its stakeholders: your employees, suppliers and investors. Your employees, as ambassadors of your brand, are a valuable resource for gathering opinions. When restructuring, it is crucial to conduct opinion surveys among your employees. These surveys can also be extended to your suppliers and customers to obtain a holistic view.

2. External evaluation of your brand

Many websites and social media allow users to give their opinion. They are valuable tools for understanding how your brand is perceived. This is a direct opportunity to evaluate your brand on elements such as the quality of your products or the service received. Keyword research can reveal whether your brand is subject to negative reviews or hostile campaigns. This research makes it easier to pass on negative opinions to the parties concerned. It enables problems to be resolved quickly.

3. Repeat these evaluations periodically

Periodic evaluations of your brand are essential to building and maintaining a solid, positive image. These evaluations are necessary, but should not be a brake on ongoing communication campaigns. They must be accompanied by precise timetables that are consistent with your company’s activity and adapted to the realities of your market.


In conclusion, brand evaluation is an ongoing, dynamic process that requires constant attention. Brand awareness and brand sentiment are key indicators that will guide your strategic decisions. By understanding these dimensions, your company can adjust its actions to strengthen its market positioning, improve customer perception and create lasting brand value.

Click here to learn more on the Fundamentals of branding.