Cracking the Quebec Code: The 7 keys to understanding Quebecers

Cracking the Quebec Code: The 7 keys to understanding Quebecers

Using a new method called semiometry, the researchers paint a surprising portrait of Quebec’s uniqueness. This article offers a quick overview of Cracking the Quebec Code.

“Most Quebecers come from a French culture, live in an English society and have an American lifestyle. ”

Seven major traits identified in The Quebec Code

  1. Joie de vivre: Quebecers, lovers of pleasure (hedonism) and consumption, display an egalitarian attitude and apparent happiness.
  2. Easygoing: Quebecers, who favour reasonable accommodations and dislike disputes, are tolerant and prefer consensus.
  3. Non-committal: Quebecers talk a lot, but their actions are often reserved, preferring not to make hasty decisions.
  4. Victim: Quebecers dislike risk and tend to blame others for problems, thereby avoiding responsibility while reflecting a victim mentality.
  5. Villagers: Quebecers exhibit marked regionalism, cherishing their Quebecois Star System. The authors also subdivide the territory into subgroups, such as the “conservative and rebellious” Republicans of Quebec.
  6. Creative: Quebecers, also described as “tinkerers,” are distinguished by their creativity, which resonates beyond their borders.
  7. Proud: Finally, Quebecers have adopted a more positive attitude towards money. They cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit and a global openness that reflects their pride.

Each chapter addresses one of these traits, and the authors support their arguments with solid data. Although some points may seem controversial at first glance, they often contain a significant amount of truth. The authors explain their conclusions convincingly, but the data are sometimes relatively limited. More extensive research would certainly be necessary than just questioning a random sample of people on certain topics.

The book also presents fascinating examples that highlight the impact of Quebecers in various fields. It emphasizes the multicultural aspect of Quebec, where French culture coexists with English, American, and other influences.

In a new edition of the book, the authors delve into the cultural or societal differences that characterize Quebecers. They question whether these characteristics persist among younger generations. The book thus offers a more comprehensive and contemporary perspective on the issue.


Cracking the Quebec Code is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs looking to understand and influence Quebecers. It is an interesting read that offers an impressive amount of information for better targeting this audience. It is definitely useful for anyone working in the marketing industry in Quebec.

Where to find Cracking the Quebec Code

Original Edition — September 27, 2016

Cracking the Quebec Code in 45 minutes — March 17, 2022

  1. Semiometry: Method of analysis seeking to determine an individual’s value system by making them react to a selection of words.